The earliest reference to the Red House is found in Anne Scotts obituary in 1813. It states the Red House, Great Barr had long been her country residence. It also implies it may have been inherited from the Addis (Addyes) family.

Anne, the widow of William Scott resided in Birmingham. The estate passed to John Scott (1764 - 3 Jan. 1832).

Obituary from "The Gentelman's Magazine" 1813

At her house in Birmingham, Anne, relict of William Scott, esq.

Her memory cannot be so much honoured by a delineation of her character, as by the grief which is felt through a large town and neighbourhood on her decease, and by the esteem with which she will ever be spoken of among those who had the happiness of knowing her intimately.

It is it, however, for the admonition and instruction of the living, that her virtues be not unrecorded. She was the only child of the Rev. John Toncks, of Harborne and the precepts which she received, and the events which she experienced in early life, formed her to a temper remarkably meek, affectionate, beneficient, and pious. Uniformly kind and generous, her disposition to do good increased with her means of gratifying this darling inclination.

Here her memory shines in the fairest light. We too often observe that the heart contracts with age, and that the love of wealth is proportioned to a man's added stores. But the case of the subject of this memoir was exactly the reverse. The greater the abundance bestowed on her by a liberal Providence, the more freely did she give to others. Every augmentation of her paternal fortune she employed as an instrument of advancing the happiness of mankind. Her language was, "I am a steward for my Heavenly Master:" and, as she approached the close of a life extended to nearly 83 years, she repeatedly said, " Let it be my care, while I continue here, to do all the service in my power to my fellow-creatures."

Her bounty flowed perpetually in almost every conceivable channel. Pure and refreshing, it gladdened the eyes of beholders as well as the feelings of the subjects of it : more frequently, unseen by men; it visited the dry and thirsty land where before there was no water, and, by its influence, caused the orphan's and the widow's heart to sing for joy. Whenever religion, humanity, friendship, solicited her aid, whenever youth needed instruction, or age repose, her assistance was readily imparted. In very many instances indeed, and as often as was practicable, the solicitation was delicately anticipated ; and her public donations, though numerous and large, were fewer and less considerable than her private charities. Many young and deserving persons were supplied by her, on their entrance into trade, with sums of money at a moderate interest; and she was accustomed to speak with particular gratitude and pleasure of the success which commonly followed tins application of her wealth. Far from being confined to these acts, her benevolence was the habit of Christian love. It eminently answered to the fine picture of Charity drawn by an Apostle's pen.

Although it may be declared of her, "she was full of good works and alms-deeds which she did "her temper must not be forgotten. Many weep over her grave besides those who, with sighs and tears, there shew "the garments which she made while she was with them" there are many who can attest her courtesy and hospitality the engaging affection of her disposition, and the humility and blamelessness of her deportment in all the intercourses of society. Wealth and station could not corrupt her heart for her "the desire of the eyes and the pride of life" had no attractions. That she might more effectually relieve the sufferings and promote the comfort of her brethren, she was content to forego the usual appendages of opulence and elevated circumstances. To do good, was her daily business, her meat and drink. Nor were her bounties limited by considerations of sect and party; they were perfectly catholic. Firm to her own principles, she knew how to respect others in the conscientious exercise of theirs. She was regular and faithful in the performance of every religious and social duty; and, with as few shades as the weakness of human nature may be supposed to admit, illustrated the excellence of the Christian character.

Arrived at "a period which renders every life venerable" she was still calm and placid , amidst the infirmities of age, still desirous of saving trouble to those around her. A course of more than common usefulness and honour, was finished in peace, and without any pain. She died ripe for a state where piety and benevolence shall find their amplest and an everlasting gratification; and to persons who are blessed with those opportunities of doing good which superior wealth bestows, she has left a pattern by which it is their duty, and will be their true wisdom, interest and praise, to frame their views and conduct.

Her remains were interred, Jan. 18, with deserved honours and real grief, at Great Barr, in Staffordshire; the Red House in which village had long been her country residence, and that of the family of Addis, whose large property she inherited, and from whom, on her mother's side, she was lineally descended."

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