In 1929 West Bromwich Corporation opened the 27 acres as a public park and the house was turned into refreshment rooms.

The Park was a popular attraction and West Bromwich Corporation Transport obtained a tour licence allowed them to run a Sunday circular tour to Barr Beacon  from Dartmouth Square to Barr Beacon with a one hour stop,  returning with a half-hour stop at Red House Park.

Fares were 1/- (5p) adults and 8d (3p) children. It left Dartmouth Square at 2.30pm arriving Barr Beacon at 3.15pm . It left Barr Beacon at 4.15pm arriving Red House Park at 4.30pm leaving from Red House at 5,00pm to arrive at Dartmouth Square at 5.05pm. Notes to drivers highlight that this was a tour and that passengers wished to be driven at a moderate speed and driven slow along the Newton Road.

rhptickets (5K)

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